Candidate’s Statement
ASEE has made remarkable advancements in its first 110 years, stimulating progressive dialog among many groups with vital interests in the improvement of engineering and engineering technology education and professional practice. We have sought to share and disseminate intellectual resources and products, and to serve as an advocate for educational excellence to build a healthy global society. ASEE has provided its members with valuable information and services that enhance our professional success and satisfaction. Working together, we can build on this progress and move ASEE to even higher levels of visibility and effectiveness in promoting and supporting engineering and engineering technology education in the U.S. and worldwide. We can build ASEE to fulfill its promise by focusing on four goals:
ASEE has a wealth of strength in the breadth of its members’ knowledge and skills. We have individual and institutional membership in academia, large and small technology-based corporations, and in government agencies. This fantastic membership base constitutes an organization with the knowledge and the need to identify and put in place educational practices best tailored to the many specific requirements within our expansive educational universe – which ranges through kindergarten and middle school to high school and into community colleges, four-year colleges, research universities, and corporate learning centers. By providing increasingly effective mechanisms for dialog across our membership, we will catalyze new initiatives that enhance engineering and engineering technology, in both education and practice. These enhancements will benefit us and attract new members. As we continue and expand on our successes, we must remain authentic agents of effective change, helping each other to gain the resources and encouragement we need to keep our profession responsive to the increasingly broad demands of our global society. ASEE is our shared laboratory for developing our classrooms, our public service initiatives, and the engineering workplace.
Engineering is a global activity of critical importance to the success of all societies. Today’s students and professionals will increasingly work with and for engineers in many other cultures. Global teams now design new systems collaboratively, and this diversity of perspective has a great positive impact on the quality and utility of our products. ASEE must provide leadership in this globalization of our field. While still focused on representing the engineering community in the United States and Canada, ASEE is engaged in carefully selected initiatives, including sponsorship of an annual international conference and our new global on-line memberships, to foster joint activities with our colleagues in other parts of the world. Our membership will benefit from collaboration with education and industry leaders from other cultures, and gain fresh perspectives and ideas. These exchanges will make ASEE members better able to guide the preparation of the next generation of technological contributors.
Given the critical importance of our professions, it is surprising that the general public often misunderstands engineering and engineering technology, both as careers and professions. Most young students, if they know of our professions at all, do not understand what we do. By the time they discover that we design, invent, build, and can delight in solving difficult problems, many have missed the opportunity to take the math and science pre-requisites they need to further their education. If we are to educate those who will capitalize on technological opportunities of the future, we must improve our efforts to provide educational access to our profession as early as possible within K-12 education. ASEE has several well-designed and well-coordinated initiatives in this arena. In addition, many of ASEE’s institutional members and other national organizations have successful efforts underway. The appreciation of the need for stimulating interest early is widely shared, and we are beginning to discover some strategies for implementing effective programs. Still, the efficient coordination of these efforts remains a goal. The time is now ripe for working together on this critical challenge. This important objective deserves further emphasis.
Finally, if we can continue and expand our progress on the above three initiatives – communication across constituencies, collaboration across national boundaries, and cultivation of early interest in engineering and engineering technology – we can make progress on the fourth: creating greater opportunities within our profession for traditionally underrepresented groups. Opening our thinking and perspective to a greater and more representative population will foster creativity, an essential component of our profession. Innovation and creativity are natural outcomes of work within a diverse community. Given the demands of a smaller world, with greater communication in all forms, engineers must learn to work with individuals unlike themselves. Understanding and welcoming diversity is an imperative for us and for those we mentor and educate.
I am qualified and eager to serve ASEE to accomplish these goals and further increase the stature and value of our organization. I have devoted my career to improving engineering education and expanding opportunities for engineering careers. I have held elected leadership positions within ASEE, most recently as First V.P., and in IEEE. I have worked as a faculty member, in a government laboratory and as an academic administrator. I have been a volunteer to ABET for 9 years, working with both engineering and engineering technology accreditation issues, and have led engineering accreditation teams to numerous institutions. Currently, I am helping to pioneer a new approach to engineering education as a member of the leadership team at Olin College, which aims to create a new model for education and intellectual vitality in the study of and preparation for our profession.
I look forward to serving you and the membership of ASEE to accomplish its goals. I thank you for your thoughtful consideration of what is best for ASEE. Whatever you decide, you have honored me through this nomination.